News: Dec 08, 2020: CCE’s EnSuite-Cloud ReVue leapfrogs screen-sharing apps for engineers

Debankan Chattopadhyay
+1 (248) 932-5295

CCE’s EnSuite-Cloud ReVue leapfrogs screen-sharing apps for engineers
Provides a secure alternative for engineering collaboration

FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich. – (December 8, 2020) - CCE, a leading provider of advanced CAD interoperability technology, is counting down to the launch of EnSuite-Cloud ReVue, an exciting update to its EnSuite-Cloud product to provide a secure alternative to typical screen-sharing apps for CAD collaboration.


EnSuite-Cloud ReVue uses secure peer-to-peer connections between participants in the collaboration session. Hosts and reviewers do not have to store their proprietary data (CAD parts and assemblies) in a cloud server. During and at the end of the session, no participant can download and save any data used in the collaboration.

EnSuite-Cloud ReVue has significant advantages over typical screen-sharing apps, widely used for engineering collaboration today. Among the most notable:


  • True 3D experience for all participants
  • Independent control of collaboration session without compromising intellectual property
  • Ultra-low latency allowing for excellent response/refresh rates
  • Low bandwidth usage allowing for easy sharing of large 3D CAD models
  • Very high-quality 3D rendering with zero loss of fidelity of viewable data
  • Natural collaboration experience without any overhead for data or session preparation

“Most screen-sharing apps we use today were not built with engineering or CAD in mind. Screen sharing works well for discussing documents or PowerPoint presentations. But collaboration with CAD data has unique requirements. Many products enforce high level of data or session preparation before collaboration. EnSuite-Cloud ReVue addresses these specific challenges making it a more powerful and natural tool for engineering collaboration compared to screen-sharing apps. There is no overhead for users to prepare their data before they collaborate with other team members. Additionally, each participant in the collaboration session can gain independent control of the CAD model in the session while not disrupting other participants or misusing IP protections from the host. Since files are not uploaded to a server anywhere, this is the most secure and natural way of engineering collaboration ever attempted,” said Vinay Wagle, CCE’s V.P. of Sales & Marketing.

Companies are rethinking their collaboration methodologies, spurred by the COVID crises. EnSuite-Cloud ReVue empowers everyone by democratizing high quality 3D CAD viewing and collaboration technology regardless of their location. All they need is access to a standard internet connection and a browser.

“The unique peer-to-peer technology used in EnSuite-Cloud ReVue provides a faster and higher quality user experience for engineering collaboration than typical screen-sharing apps offer. It’s no surprise that it took a group of engineers to build a collaboration platform for engineers,” added Vinay.

EnSuite-Cloud ReVue supports all major CAD formats, including CATIA V5, CATIA V6 (3DXML), SOLIDWORKS, NX, Creo, Autodesk Inventor, Solid Edge, JT, IFC and glTF, among others.

Users can visit the EnSuite-Cloud ReVue page and submit their email address to be notified of its general availability.

About CCE:

Incorporated in Michigan, CCE has more than 25 years of CAD/CAM/CAE software development experience, as well as an extensive background in related services. Since 1989, CCE's focus on CAD technology & application development has spearheaded its mission to deliver customers value through innovative, disciplined, and communications-focused technology products and services. CCE has offices located in Farmington Hills, Michigan and Fort Lee, New Jersey. For more information on CCE's products and services, visit

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