Let's first try to change few settings of Chrome that could help in fixing it.
Minimum supported version of operating system is Windows 10.
WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0) or higher is a prerequisite for rendering in Viewer.
You can update graphic drivers of your desktop / laptop from your manufacturer's recommended drivers updates.
Check GPU driver updates for your,
Alternately, you may update drivers directly from your graphics card vendor. Check updates for your
3D rendering shall be enabled by changing few Chrome options.
)Additionally, WebGL performance shall be improved by using GPU memory buffers
Let's first check if this option needs to be disabled for you.
If disable_d3d11 is listed,
Chrome may use an older rendering engine.
We shall make Chrome use better rendering engine by starting the browser with additional parameters.
If disable_d3d11 is not listed, this setting may not be applicable for you.
Sample : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --disable_d3d11=0"
Rendering performance shall be improved by utilizing GPU's memory buffers. But browsers disables it to avoid specific rendering problems that may not be valid in all scenarios.
Invoking Chrome.exe with--enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers option
Sample : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --disable_d3d11=0 --enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers"
When NVIDIA GPU is used for rendering in machines having NVIDIA Nsight, WebGL 2.0 may be unavailable due to a Chrome issue. You may have to uninstall Nsight to enable WebGL 2.0 in your browser
How to check if WebGL 2.0 is enabled in Chrome browser?
If status is,
Hardware accelerated - WebGL 2.0 is available.
Disabled - WebGL 2.0 needs to be enabled.
Unavailable - WebGL 2.0 shall be available but blacklisted by browser. Override browser blacklisting and then enable it.
In event of any adverse behavior, Chrome shall be reset to default by resetting it's settings and flags.