
Rendering Status

Success: Your browser is properly configured for 3D rendering using WebGL2
Error:Unable to initiate 3D graphics rendering in your browser.
No worries. Usually, this could be rectified by flipping few settings in your Chrome browser.
Note: This involves changes to Chrome settings and restarting your Chrome browser. It is recommended that you save all your work before changing Chrome settings.

Let's first try to change few settings of Chrome that could help in fixing it.

  • Viewer's 3D rendering works better with Chrome Version 63 or higher. Read our browser recommendations.
  • Chrome hardware acceleration may be switched off. Let's switch it on in Chrome settings
  • Chrome blacklisted your graphics card. No problem, we shall make Chrome use your graphics card.
  • A current setting in your Chrome makes it to use a lower version of an internal rendering engine. Let's make your Chrome use better version of it by modifying options.
    This is not an easy option. This requires knowledge in configuring Windows OS. We recommend you get help of a qualified system administrator who has knowledge in configuring Windows OS
  • In case you are using older version of Chrome, WebGL 2.0 might not be enabled in your browser. Show me steps to enable WebGL 2.0 in older version of Chrome
Note: Not all reasons may be valid in your case. Problems may vary based on your browser, graphics card configuration.

              Browser recommendations

              Viewer uses WebGL 2.0 for 3D rendering. In order to visualise your CAD data optimally,
              Please save the URL ( http://www.cadcam-e.com/EnSuite-Web/Diagnostics ) before update.
              • Update your browser to the latest available version. Chrome 63 or higher versions preferred.
              • Minimum supported version of Chrome is 62.
              Note: Administrator privileges shall be required to do this operation. You may need help of your systems adminstrator if you don't have administrator privileges.

              System Requirements

              Minimum supported version of operating system is Windows 10.

              Graphics card driver update recommendations

              WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0) or higher is a prerequisite for rendering in Viewer.

              You can update graphic drivers of your desktop / laptop from your manufacturer's recommended drivers updates.

              Please save the URL ( http://www.cadcam-e.com/EnSuite-Web/Diagnostics ) before update.

              Check GPU driver updates for your,

              Alternately, you may update drivers directly from your graphics card vendor. Check updates for your

              Note: Administrator privileges shall be required to do this operation. You may need help of your systems adminstrator if you don't have administrator privileges.

              Troubleshoot for 3D rendering

              3D rendering shall be enabled by changing few Chrome options.

              Note: Options to enable/disable may vary based on your browser-GPU configurations

              Additionally, WebGL performance shall be improved by using GPU memory buffers

              Switching ON hardware acceleration

              • Open a new tab, in address bar type chrome://settings and hit enter.
              • Scroll down to System section in Advanced options or search for hardware acceleration option and switch ON the Use hardware acceleration when available.
              Note: RELAUNCH button will appear. When selected, Chrome will close and restore pages with new settings.
              You may have to login again.
              Enabling Hardware acceleration

              Make Chrome use your graphics card

              • Open a new tab, in address bar type chrome://flags and hit enter.
              • A page with Chrome's experimental options will be shown
              • Scroll to or search for Override software rendering list
              • Click Enable
              Note: RELAUNCH button will appear at the bottom of the your browser. When selected, Chrome will close and restore pages with new settings.
              You may have to login again.
              Overriding software rendering list

              Use better rendering engine version

              This is not an easy option. This requires knowledge in configuring Windows OS. We recommend you get help of a qualified system administrator who has knowledge in configuring Windows OS

              Let's first check if this option needs to be disabled for you.

              • Open a new tab, in address bar type chrome://gpu and hit enter.
              • A page with Chrome's currently used graphics options will be shown.
              • In Driver Bug Workarounds header look for text "disable_d3d11"

                If disable_d3d11 is listed, Chrome may use an older rendering engine.
                We shall make Chrome use better rendering engine by starting the browser with additional parameters.

                If disable_d3d11 is not listed, this setting may not be applicable for you.

              Invoking Chrome.exe with additional parameters. (--disable_d3d11=0 option)

              • Create a shortcut for Chrome.
              • Right click on the shortcut and click properties.
              • Target field has Chrome exe path. In the end of the path add a space and then add --disable_d3d11=0

              Sample : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --disable_d3d11=0"

              • Click Apply and close the properties dialog.
              • Close all running instances of chrome.
              • Run Chrome by clicking the new shortcut, open Viewer and check.
              • You can also verify that disable_d3d11 is not listed now in GPU page.

              Enabling 3D rendering - WebGL 2.0 in older versions of Chrome

              • Open a new tab, in address bar type chrome://flags and hit enter.
              • A page with Chrome's experimental options will be shown
              • Scroll to or search for WebGL 2.0
              • Change drop down option to Enabled.
              Note: RELAUNCH button will appear at the bottom of the your browser. When selected, Chrome will try to close and restore pages with new settings.
              You may have to login again.
              Enabling Chrome flags

              Suggestion for performance improvement

              This is not an easy option. This requires knowledge in configuring Windows OS. We recommend you get help of a qualified system administrator who has knowledge in configuring Windows OS

              Utilizing native GPU memory buffers

              Rendering performance shall be improved by utilizing GPU's memory buffers. But browsers disables it to avoid specific rendering problems that may not be valid in all scenarios.

              Enable this option, if it doesn't affect you.

              How to check for Native GPU memorybuffer usage?

              • Open a new tab, in address bar type chrome://gpu and hit enter.
              • A page with Chrome's currently used graphics options will be shown.
              • In Graphics Feature Status, header look for status of Native GpuMemoryBuffers
                If status is,
                1. Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled - GPU buffer option needs to be enabled
                2. Hardware accelerated - It's enabled properly
                Display gpu stats

              Invoking Chrome.exe with--enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers option

              • Create a shortcut for Chrome.
              • Right click on the shortcut and click properties.
              • Target field has Chrome exe path. In the end of the path add a space and then add --enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers

              Sample : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --disable_d3d11=0 --enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers"

              • Click Apply and close the properties dialog.
              • Close all running instances of chrome.
              • Run Chrome by clicking the new shortcut, open Viewer and check.
              • You can also verify that Native GpuMemoryBuffers has Hardware accelerated as value.

              NVIDIA issue

              Chrome in NVIDIA GPU with NVIDIA Nsight

              When NVIDIA GPU is used for rendering in machines having NVIDIA Nsight, WebGL 2.0 may be unavailable due to a Chrome issue. You may have to uninstall Nsight to enable WebGL 2.0 in your browser

              Check Chrome's rendering setting

              How to check if WebGL 2.0 is enabled in Chrome browser?

              • Open a new tab, in address bar type chrome://gpu and hit enter.
              • A page with Chrome's currently used graphics options will be shown.
              • In Graphics Feature Status, header look for status of WebGL2

                If status is,
                Hardware accelerated - WebGL 2.0 is available.
                Disabled - WebGL 2.0 needs to be enabled.
                Unavailable - WebGL 2.0 shall be available but blacklisted by browser. Override browser blacklisting and then enable it.

              WebGL 2.0 in Chrome

              Re-setting Chrome to it's default settings

              In event of any adverse behavior, Chrome shall be reset to default by resetting it's settings and flags.

              Chrome settings would be reset to default. It includes other settings that you may have done earlier.
              • Open a new tab, in address bar type chrome://settings and hit enter.
              • Go to Advanced settings
              • Scroll down to Reset and click the Reset setting
              • A dialog pops up. In the dialog, Click on Reset button in the dialog.
              • Open a new tab, in address bar type chrome://flags and hit enter.
              • Click 'Reset all to default' button available in the top right corner.
              • Then click, 'RELAUNCH NOW' button at bottom of the tab.
              • Chrome will relaunch with previously opened tabs.