Digitalize Your Enterprise

Secure platform to automate engineering-adjacent workflows. No coding required.​
Robust out-of-the-box components ('Extensions') for design visualization, translation, technical data packages & real-time design review meetings​.

EnSuite Impact 360
Use our automation engine to easily capture repetitive tasks and automate workflows within a ​low-code environment for complete digitalization of your enterprise!​​
Capture operational knowledge. Automate repetitive work.
Capture, store & replay macros for easy,
no-code automation!​

Capture operational knowledge. Automate repetitive work.​​

Unlock engineering efficiency with our no-code automation platform. Capture invaluable working knowledge from subject matter experts and streamline repetitive tasks.
Our out-of-the-box Extensions empower engineers to create powerful macros without coding experience, boosting efficiencies in the process and automating critical workflows.

Versatile to Grow
with the Enterprise

The EnSuite Impact 360 platform is architected to grow with the needs of your enterprise. ​Besides out-of-the-box Extensions, it can be extended to integrate other enterprise applications.​ It can be customized to support your engineering-adjacent workflows and scale based on your users and their roles.​​
Versatile to Grow with the Enterprise​
EnSuite Impact 360
EnSuite Impact 360
EnSuite Impact 360

Discuss Product Designs securely with Suppliers using SupplierConnect

Connect effortlessly with suppliers using real-time meetings with built-in audio and rich 3D graphics.
SupplierConnect streamlines the product design process, fostering early and frequent discussions with suppliers to optimize Design for Manufacturing (DFM). ​
Discuss Product Designs securely with Suppliers
Connect with Suppliers outside of your firewall in a secure, IP-protected environment using SupplierConnect.
Share & discuss designs securely
Confer early & often
Assist Suppliers

Security & Data Protections​

EnSuite Impact 360 allows users to access product design data strictly in a non-destructive read mode. Security of your design data and protection of your IP (intellectual property) is important to us and at the forefront of every decision we make about the platform. That is why we...
"Do not author or modify product data"
Creating new data is the purview of the CAD software​
"Do not create alternative repositories, especially outside firewall" ​
Data management & storage is the scope of PDM/PLM systems​
Security & Data Protections
"Consume product design data without sacrificing IP"​
Respect sanctity of the design while giving access to widest audience in the enterprise​
"Do not write back to PDM/PLM system"​
Keeps enterprise systems secure and prevents corruption of data​

Democratizing Product Design
Data across the enterprise

Democratizing CAD access across the enterprise
EnSuite Impact 360 provides access to product design data across the extended enterprise to teams beyond engineering. It offers out-of-the-box components for design visualization, translation, technical data packages, real-time design review meetings for non-engineering teams like sales, marketing, purchasing, and manufacturing. Its user-friendly interface allows all stakeholders to access and interact with design data, facilitating cross-functional discussions and informed decisions.

Design Visualization &

EnSuite Impact 360 includes robust design viewing and high-fidelity data translation tools. Viewers support geometry, PMI, attributes, assembly structures, reference entities among others and includes productivity tools to access design information, including:
Measure distances, hole dimensions, wall thickness
Compute mass properties, bounding volumes, assembly interferences
Generate Bill of Materials
Compare parts and assemblies
EnSuite Impact 360 also provides seamless CAD data interoperability between all major design formats, with the ability to do Batch Translations for bulk data transfer. Click here for a complete list of supported formats.
CAD View

Secure, Real-time

EnSuite Impact 360 redefines design review​ by integrating real-time features, including built-in voice calling. Securely discuss product designs across teams, regardless of geographical barriers, enabling instant feedback, brainstorming, and problem-solving directly within the product design environment.
Some of the key features include:
EnSuite Impact 360
Real-time interactive meeting using 2D and 3D product design data.
EnSuite Impact 360
Built-in voice calling for seamless design discussions.
EnSuite Impact 360
Analyze without disruption by taking ‘Independent control’ of the meeting session without compromising intellectual property or disrupting meeting for others.
EnSuite Impact 360
Independently analyze product design model using productivity tools (measure, cross-section, bounding box etc.)
EnSuite Impact 360
Participants can join the meeting session via browser or from EnSuite Impact 360.
EnSuite Impact 360
No file footprint left after meeting. Product design models used for meeting and design discussions are not accessible by participants after the meeting session ends.

Complete Data Security in
Design Review Meetings​

Encrypted graphics with hi-fidelity
Protected design discussions, secure meetings and communications
No IP data exposure
Controlled access to design review​ space
Dedicated server for enterprises – complete data security
Plan efficiently for production with advanced tools

Plan efficiently for production with
advanced tools

EnSuite Impact 360 leverages product design data for manufacturing processes. It's an enterprise platform using design data for production planning, layout, and packaging design.
With a user-friendly interface and tools, it empowers designers and engineers to efficiently use design data across production stages. Advanced features enable design discussions, rapid prototyping, precise visualization for streamlined workflows and productivity. From concept to packaging, EnSuite Impact 360 facilitates accurate decision-making and faster time-to-market.

Share product design data
packages securely

EnSuite Impact 360 enables seamless sharing of product design data packages. Distribute First-look data for initial insights, share Preliminary quote packages for discussions, or deliver Full packages for comprehensive reviews.
It ensures secure, efficient data sharing, keeping stakeholders aligned throughout product development. From conception to production, streamline design reviews and enhance decision-making with its versatile sharing capabilities.
Share product design data packages securely


No need to invest
Single platform within the firewall for people in the enterprise to participate in the design data workflow​
No need to invest
Engage the supply chain at scale without incurring any additional cost​
No need to invest
Eliminate friction between Engineering and the enterprise by digitalization of manual processes
No need to invest
Reduce costs associated with expensive CAD/PLM seats
No need to invest
Feed non-engineering workflows without incurring high TCO of CAD/PLM​
No need to invest
Multi-CAD support to import & export all major product design formats​​
No need to invest
Eliminate need for generic tools (ex. MS Teams) for design discussions​
No need to invest
Enterprise access for everyone in your organization for one low annual fee

Formats Supported

Format File type Version
CATIA V5 *.CATPart, *.CATProduct, *.CATShape, *.cgr, *.CATDrawing V5 R6 - V5-6R2024 (R34)
CATIA V6 3DEXPERIENCE *.3dxml R2010x to R2019x
SOLIDWORKS *.sldprt, *.sldasm, *.prt, *.asm, *.SLDDRW 2001Plus to 2024
NX *.prt UG 15 to NX 2312
Creo *.prt, *.prt.*, *.asm.*, *.asm , *.xpr, *.xas, *.drw 18 to Creo 10.0
Solid Edge *.par, *.asm, *.psm, *.pwd 18 to ST 10, 2024
Autodesk Inventor *.ipt, *.iam R11 to 2024
JT *.jt 6.4 to 10.9
glTF *.gltf, *.glb
Parasolid *.x_t, *.xmt_txt, *.x_b, *.xmt_bin Up to 34.0
IGES *.igs, *.iges Up to 5.3
STEP *.stp, *.step, *.stpZ AP203, AP214, AP242#
ACIS *.sat, *.sab, *.asat, *.asab R2 to R25
VDA *.vda
IFC *.ifc 2, 4
Note: Support for assembly files that require other part/assembly files to create the complete 3D view is currently available only on the Windows platform. If you have specific questions about data support, please email before making the purchase.​

Request Demo

EnSuite Impact 360 offers cost-effective enterprise licensing so everyone across the enterprise has equal access to the all-inclusive design visualization, translation, technical data package & real-time design review solution for one fixed annual fee.
Enterprise pricing varies based on number of users, scalability plans and term of licensing among other things.
EnSuite Impact 360 Pricing
Please fill the form and someone from our team will get in touch to schedule a demo, set you up with trial licenses and provide pricing & licensing information
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